[논문] 한옥의 팔작 및 맞배지붕 풍압분포에 관한 연구 |
한국풍공학회논문집 |
2010 |
[논문] Design Integrated Parametric Modeling Methodology for Han-ok |
Journal of Asian architecture and building engineering |
[논문] Humidity-controlling and deodorizing effects of yellow loess plastering as finishing materials |
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research |
[논문] Deformation Monitoring in Korean Traditional Test-bed Hanok in Myongji University |
Civil engineering and architecture |
[논문] BIM-Based Parametric Design Methodology for Modernized Korean Traditional Buildings |
Journal of Asian architecture and building engineering |
[논문] Design Suggestions for Concurrent Urban Transformation in a Developing Country |
Advanced Science Letters |
[논문] A Study on the Physical Characteristic and Environment Evaluation of Yellow Loess Mortar with Slaked Lime and Cement |
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research |
[논문] Structural Analysis and Conceptual Seismic Design of Large-span Korean Traditional Timber Structure |
civil Engineering and Architecture |
[논문] Applicability of Feng Shui Thoughts for Sustainable Space Planning and Evaluation in Korea Verified Using Three-Dimensional Digital Mapping and Simulations |
Sustainability |
[논문] An AHP Analysis on the Habitability Performance toward the Modernized Hanok in Korea |
Buildings |
[논문] A Better Maintenance Strategy, a More Sustainable Hanok: Towards Korean Traditional Public Facilities |
Buildings |