기술정보 검색기술정보 검색

구분 국내학술지
학술지명 Journal of oriental culture & design
논문제목 Ontology-Driven Information and Knowledge Acquisition from Traditional Dwelling in Kumandong
주저자 Park, Jin A 교신저자
등록일 2012.12.30
링크 http://scholar.dkyobobook.co.kr/searchDetail.laf?barcode=4010023625968#
요약 When describing the components of the dwellings in the traditional building district it is based on sensibility evaluation and rough set theory. The sensibility evaluation test on the dwelling of traditional building district was done by making use of dwelling knowledge sheets. With the proposed method, it is possible to obtain a combination of several contributory components considered as Reducts, Covering Index and Column Score. Moreover, the idea of personalized data structure with an Ontology is applied to the traditional/non-traditional dwellings to interpret the components of the traditional/non-traditional dwellings. traditional/non-traditional dwellings were identified by the combinations of several design components.
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